Full Process

Your needs, wants and goals

The first step is for you to contact me and explain your business or what you would need a website for, and understand what kind of problems you want your website to solve. For example: are you getting a Million calls with people asking the same questions over and over?

I would also need to know what sort of website you are looking for. For example, are you looking for a completely custom website or are you okay with using a template?, Do you need blog functionality?, do you need a CMS? etc.

Finalising the plan

From here we will nail down what will be on your website. Like:
- do you need a special multipart form, Google calendar integration (custom development)?
- do you need me to source images, or will you be sourcing images?
- do you need help coming up with text content on your website or will you be supplying text content? Note: none of my packages includes copywriting services in the price.
- how many pages is your website going to be?

I just need to get a solid grasp of what it's going to take to create your website so that I can give you an accurate quote.

You would also send me links to at least 3 websites that you like, they can be from any industry. This gives me an idea of what you might want your website to look like.

Quote And 50% Deposit

Once we are on the same page about what's going to be on the website and who will be responsible for certain pieces of content, I can quote accurately. The price listed on the website will be the price your receive on your quote unless there are extras that are not included in the base price.

Once you have received the quote and sent through the proof of payment for the deposit then I will begin working on your website.

Choosing templates or reviewing designs

If you are opting for a template-based website then I will send you links to templates that I think fit what you are looking for, you will look at these and let me know if you have chosen one or if you would like to see more. Remember these template designs might not be 100% relevant to your industry but all the content (text, pictures, icons, colours) can be changed and sections can be removed if they are not relevant to you. In most cases, the template will need to be modified, so look at the templates as a base. and you can also send through any ideas you have for your website.

If you do not like any of the templates I have sent, then you can let me know what you didn't like so that we can repeat the process until you find the right template for your website.

If you have opted for a custom design then I will work on a 2-page mockup for you to review and give detailed feedback on so that I can make necessary adjustments. From there I will design the rest of the pages.

Whichever package you choose it is important that you are happy with what you have chosen, the reason is, that you do not want to pay for something you don't actually like and it is a lot harder to fix things on the website when in development than in the design phase. What can take 10 minutes in design can take hours in development. As the saying goes, those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

Submitting content

Here you will need to send me the content that will go on to your website like images, logos, all the text content and anything else you will be supplying for the website. How ever you would like to send through the content is up to you. Ideally, the content should be grouped into pages with the content labelled. For example, if you sent through the pages in a zipped folder with the text content in a word file and the images labelled for the page. I will do my best to make it easy for you to label where each piece of content should go.

Alternatively, I might share a google drive folder with you and in those folders will be subfolders for each page making it easy for you to add content.

If you have an existing site with all your content already there then I can also use that.

If you are not ready with your content, I can use placeholder text to fill out the website so that I can keep the development process going to give you time to thoughtfully put together the content you want. Don't let a lack of content be a deterrent to getting a new website.

The first round of revisions and 25% payment

At this point you will receive a link to review the current build of your website, this is where you need to thoroughly inspect the website and make a list of changes you would like me to make. Make sure to check your website on both desktop and mobile to see if anything needs changing.

Upon receiving your list of revisions I request another portion of the remaining payment which is 25%. After receiving the payment I will begin making the necessary changes.

Remaining rounds of revisions

Depending on the number of revisions in the package we will repeat the revision process until there are no more revisions available or if you are happy with the website we do not need to continue with revisions.

It is very important to be thorough in your list of revisions and that your list is complete.

The website is complete and the remaining payment

At this point, there is no more work to be done on the website and you will receive an invoice for the outstanding balance, this might also include any extras that you may have requested that are charged extra for. If there are any extras you may have requested along the way, I will confirm the price for the extras and make sure I get the green light from you first.

Website migration

Once the final payment has been received you will need to supply me with the login details for your hosting provider so that I can upload the website. If the site is a WordPress website I will create administrator login details for you and send them to you.

If you do not know which hosting provider to go with I will recommend a hosting provider to you and give you some guidance on how to sign up and which hosting package to choose.

If you opt to not follow my recommendations of a hosting provider and the hosting provider is very difficult to work with or simply doesn't work, then I will supply you with the finished build of your website for you to upload yourself. The likelihood of this happening is very slim but there are some hosting providers out there that just aren't that good.

Optional retainer

If you feel like you might want to make minor changes further down the road and may need some support, I do offer a monthly retainer where you can send me the changes that need to be made to your site and I will make the changes instead of you doing them yourself.

this is purely optional.

Ready to get started?

Don't Hesitate to Contact Me
