Django Questions And Answers

Feb. 12, 2023

These are questions that showed up on Google's "People also ask" in regards to Django.


Is Django better than Python?

Django is no better than python as it is built upon python, however, to answer the question of if it is better to write your application in python (no frameworks) or to build it in Django if you are building an application for fun or for learning then sure, build your app in pure python, but if you want to build an app for production then Django is going to make your life easier and speed up the process of going to production. There are some clear benefits of using Django over pure python, mainly security, speed, built-in tools, and a huge community.

Obviously, you can build your app in pure python however you may have to build a lot of your app manually where "there's probably an app for that" on Django that already has gone through a few iterations and many bug fixes, but if you build your own your will have to do all that yourself.

Is Django for frontend or backend?

Dajngo can be used for both frontend and backend, however, it renders HTML on the server and ships it to the browser, it is static, and any interactivity would need to be added through javascript and ajax requests (which Django can handle). Django is also very good for creating backends and has many built-in tools to do so.


Django comes with a versatile templating engine called the Django template language (DTL) or you can use Jinja2. The DTL is pre-rendered on the server and then gets shipped to the browser, it is not dynamic like frameworks like react or vue but you can relatively easily incorporate your own dynamic features.


Django has an amazing built-in ORM and almost all the bells and whistles, this makes Django's learning curve steep at first but once you get the hang of it you can make backends very quickly without compromises. You can even use django as a rest framework thanks to the " Django REST framework " where you can forget the DTL and use any frontend framework you want.

Is Django difficult to learn?

Django is not the easiest framework to learn, but once you understand the gist of how Django functions then all you need to know is where to find the relevant documentation for what you are trying to accomplish. Django's documentation is one of its strong points, it goes in-depth and features many examples but you should know that will most probably visit the documentation often.

Can you learn Django in 5 days?

Not entirely, as mentioned previously Django isn't something that can be fully learned unless you have a very good memory. In 5 days you can get the basics down if you follow a tutorial. 5 days is probably enough time for a novice python programmer that is able to read documentation, but a beginner may struggle to translate the concepts displayed in the documentation to their own application. So yes you could learn Django in 5 days relatively comfortably if you are already a seasoned python programmer.

Can I learn Django in 2 months?

In 2 months you can certainly learn Django, however, I feel that 2 months is a little much, you could probably get the Django nailed down in 5 days for the basics and 20 days to have a really solid understanding of Django. Though if you are new to programming in general then 2 months of learning casually may be realistic.

What is the disadvantage of Django?

  • The Django template language (DTL) can be a limiting factor when writing your frontend, however, this is a limitation of templating languages, not necessarily a problem isolated to Django.
  • Django can be daunting to learn at first, and it might be a bit overkill for small projects.
  • Django may be bloated for smaller or basic projects.
  • Django is opinionated in how things should be done.

Do I need HTML for Django?

If you plan to use Django in the traditional sense like creating a web app, then yes you need HTML for Django, however, if you are building a REST API then no, you do not need HTML for Django. If you do not know HTML, it is extremely easy to learn and should only take a few minutes to comprehend if you already know python.

Does Django have a future?

Absolutely, Django is well supported and even with the rise of new frontend frameworks like react, vue etc, Django remains an excellent tool thanks to the rest API. Using Django is still one of the best ways to get an application to production in record time thanks to all the built-in tools and add-on apps from the community.

Is Django or HTML better?

Django and HTML are two different tools entirely, HTML is what the browser receives to render, and Django renders the HTML among many other functions. Django is a tool to build applications while HTML is used to display your website. However, if you are looking to build a basic static website then you can most probably get away with just HTML, but if you want to add functionality to your site like being able to update content through a dashboard or allowing users to sign up to your site then Django is the way to go. Alternatively, you can build your website with Django and statically render the site to HTML plus any necessary assets and host the static files instead of a dynamic Django server.

Is SQL important for Django?

Not entirely, it may be helpful to know some SQL and SQL concepts, however, you can get by just fine without knowing any SQL. This is thanks to the ORM built into Django, it makes declaring schemas super easy and also handles updating and migration. Where you might get tripped up not knowing SQL is if you deploy your Django site and you may need to know some SQL to set up the database.

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